Hissy Fits
Stay away from people that begin sentences with the word "You...", as in, "You think this... you think that..."
Another grown adult has left my life because he has no emotional control. He made a 'joke'. It wasn't funny. Called on it, of course, blames me for having 'no sense of humor." My clever retort, "Get fucked." His feelings were hurt. Tough shit, he started it.
My life only began,in many ways, ten years ago or so. It was then I failed the 'shit test'. I broke down over the chiding, the name calling, the button-pushing, the meanness of it all. They won that round and my life changed forever. No more will I put up with anyone talking to me in a 'kidding' way. No more, "Just sayings" in my presence. I have no resilience for people who talk without thinking first.
I've been seperating myself from these kind of 'bullies', although 'bullies' is just name calling, too. And I have learned the biggest victims of this society turn out to be the biggest bullies, so I have an understanding of their predicament. No one has ever taught them how to behave, how to have responsibility in a relationship, how to be a friend. Dumping emotional bullshit on another is simply a way for the powerless to feel powerful for a moment. Only, I'm not playing along.
My circle of friends has grown considerably smaller, but the quality of people is so much higher. I feel free to express myself without fear of snotty comments, or to enjoy a good self-depreciating laugh in confidence. Insecure folks that 'shit-test' me don't get passed the first question. "Kiss my ass" flows fairly easily from my lips these days. I don't need another jerk in my life.