Sunday, December 23, 2018

Economic Draft

The American people don't want a job.  They want money.

I can understand their discomfort in the workplace.  It's slavery plain and simple. The time clock keeps you chained to your task, or pretending that you are working, either one.  Throw in a phsycopath/sociopath/narcisstic over seeing middle manager or emotionally damaged co-workers and your human spirit will dissolve.  Work isn't joyful.  Creativity is punished.  Together in name only, one doesn't even know what the other is paid for the same task, for the most part.  Snitch culture rules the day, gossip normal.

The union steward role has all been demolished, not by management, but by workers.  There is little pride in being a union worker.  It's seen as another insurance policy or another way to protect their laziness.  The 'union' readily let third party, i.e. government, to set workplace rules, doesn't challenge its members to take control or their destiny, always defers them to litigation, never calls an 'action' at the point of production.  They are strictly there to prop up the institution, ceding management rights in all manners.  No leadership, all subservience.

They want your body there everyday, on time, for sure.  But what they want is your mind, calling it a 'good attitude'.  You are to be proud of the ability to handle stress, telling anyone who will hear.  Excusing outright disrespect of fellow co-workers, joining in on the gang stalking of individuals who 'don't go along with the program.' Privately reporting in on statements of possible subversion amongst the crew, setting them up for dismissal if need be.  Being a Team Player means kissing ass - promotion secured.  

And nobody kisses ass more than woman and millenials, the present American workforce.  The great insecure, coddled masses will deliver the goods for employer by ensuring they do everything on their power to get those to do the work to do it, because they are sure as hell above it all. Place these type people in management positions and guaranteed, morale will deep six immediately.

People are more dedicated to their jobs than their marriages.  Divorce is always complicated, how many are because ones attention is devoted to work all the time?  Men deeply see themselves as providers, it gives them identity and pride.  Women are resentful of passing by their best years with little to show but a shaky 401(k).  Talking about work over the dinner table is the only discussion for some couples and the anger that ensues is addictive as an energy source, needed to face the alarm clock of the next morning.  Both are living for someone else.

Look Out - here come the robots!  No health insurance, no pension contribution, no days off for personal matters - what a worker!  Everyone can't be a fix-it technician. The change is coming like freight train without signals.  Remember the self-check out lanes at the market?  Now there are stores without any cashiers.  Dang convenient that toll way RDIF, you don't have to wait with the added convenience of tracking your travel.  Get a tattoo, get a chip in your hand - what's the difference? There will be no work place power because there will be no workplace.

Naw, it's easier to stay at home and have your essentials paid by Unemployment Insurance, Social Security Disability payments, food stamps, any old government pay outs.  And then the government collects its chits by demanding allegiance, unquestioning loyalty, having you approve war criminals as leaders every couple years.  And they come for your children to man the war machine to do unspeakable atrocities on behalf of 'Our Dream' - and you parents hand them over for boot camp to have their minds wiped clean of conscience and become killing machines.  You might even put a sticker on the back of your old car proclaiming how proud you are of him, or sadly, her.  It's an 'economic draft', after all.

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