Friday, March 15, 2024


salute to Mr. A. Bierce


MARRIAGE - the only safe place for Bossy Women

FAMILY - a select group of people dedicated to bossing each other around

BELIEF SYSTEM - a fantasy codex of guilt and shame making one's mind pliable and body willing to serve without complaint

WORKPLACE - a project orientated group of people unable to proceed without orders

TOWN - a mutual aid society of local residents submissive to The County

COUNTY - umbrella organization of Town, Villages, and Hamlets submissive to the The State

STATE - a supposed representative body with defined borders, answerable to the larger Federal dictates

FEDERAL GOVERNMENT - The Great Bossy Voice. A collection of the insane, drunk with punitive powers, threatening people, other States and every living thing.

UNITED NATIONS - a collection of Federal bodies being leaned on, influenced and suggested to on how to self-destruct and hand their power over to the Boss.

THE BOSS - it ain't Bruce Springsteen


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