Sunday, November 28, 2021

Wesley says... 062

1) If I develop cancer, I want the Raymond Royal Rife frequency treatment, no other. I'll just go down with the ship. No AMA 'medicine' involved for me.

2) I know more believe Robert Kennedy, Jr is son of RFK than Hank Williams , Jr is son of Hank Williams.

3) Women are empty buckets waiting to be filled with attention, entertainment and consumer goods.  Personality is defined by how big the hole is in the bottom.

4) I'm not connected to anyone that uses the word "we".  They must have a mouse in their pocket.

5) Rittenhouse shot 3 Jews.  Where's Jews Lives Matter?

6) Does anyone know of a brave woman? I'm surrounded by helpless husks of unmitigated fear.

7) Digital people are not people. People on TV are actors.  Voices on NPR are AI generated. These types are propaganda. Talk to your neighbor.

8) Mass demonstrations never stopped anything. It is a hopeless enterprise to feel good. Iraq War, anyone?

9) Who says the soul is eternal? Kelly Potts? You could sell your soul for a Krispy Kreme.

10) 785 Homey-cides in Chicago to date.  Crickets.



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