Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021*

There is certainly plenty of ungrateful to see and hear.  All I would have to do to enjoy that is go to Thanksgiving dinner somewhere. I will state why I am grateful and give Thanks.

1) I live in a beautiful place surrounded by rich forest and gentle creatures. There are no predators.

2) Sometimes I see a chemtrail, nothing like in CA.  The trees around me filter and the air I breathe is clean and fresh. It has made a big difference in my overall health.

3) Fresh water everywhere. I bought a distiller for drinking last year and have not consumed flouride since.  Mental health has improved.

4) The genuine people I have found I hold most dear. The blamers, shamers and complainers are not around me unless I look for them.

What time is dinner?

5) It's dark and so quiet my sleeping has improved.  In fact, I may enjoy it too much.

6) I had a wonderful summer of daily swimming and beach yoga.  I Heart Bass Lake.

7) A nice number of people regularly read my blog.  Thank you for listening.  I'm just a crabby old man in my pajamas.

8) Fish, especially bluegill.

9) Parent geese teaching their youngsters to take off and land.  A most pleasant  memory.

10) I get another day on this Earth, flat or round is inconsequential.



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