Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Blame, Shame, Complain*


1) I am going to dedicate the rest of my life bossing women around.

2) Seems like women just sit and expand.

3) Fat ass woman: "Will you pass the salt?"  Me: "Get off your fat ass and get it yourself."

4) WOMAN SAID: " Can you help me?" MAN HEARD: "Will you be my slave for eternity?"

5) "Tch", back of the hand wave. One time with a big "Fuck you, bitch"

6) "That's a stupid thing to say" USED OFTEN "How can you be so stupid?" USED OFTENER "My god, you are stupid" USED OFTENEST

7) Blabbing endlessly about stupid shit. Does that sound like anyone you know?

8) If we were in wolf culture we would have eaten these dried up hags.

9) I talk to women with a notepad and facial emojis.

10) "Lady, I don't care what you like or don't like." That shuts up most of them.


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