Friday, February 14, 2020

Trumka's dick

What type of Union members would the Presidential candidates be ?

Mayor Pete is the kind of union member who gets promoted to management as a reward for informing to the bosses about the union during a strike.

Bloomberg is the kind of guy Mayor Pete informs on the union to.

Warren is the union member who never once shows up on the picket line for fear of getting in trouble, but then after the union wins the strike brags about how she led the union to a historic victory, and then gets hired to a leading position at an NGO by putting "union organizer" on her resume.

Klobuchar is the person who calls the police to report that the union picket line is blocking the sidewalk.

Bernie is the union member who always did double shifts of picket duty and was always in the front of the picket line, even when the cops showed up, but also is one who questions certain policies enacted by the Union leadership.


Thank you, David. Spring is coming.

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