Thursday, April 4, 2019

Scientific Method

The Scientific Method For Morons

1. Observe some phenomenon.
2. Guess how it works.
3. Look at others' work and fill in whatever gaps you can.
4. Formulate a hypothesis, with specific predictions that can be falsified.
5. Design experiments to test that hypothesis.
6. If your predictions are borne out by experiment, you get a cookie.
7. If your predictions are not borne out by experiment, shitcan or modify the hypothesis.

Notice there is no step that includes massaging the data to fit the hypothesis. Notice too that there is no step that works backwards from a conclusion.
The Scientific Method is the bedrock of Western Culture and success. When we tamper with it  we risk diving into an irrational culture in which homeopathy and copper wristbands and dousing and clever plaintiffs' attorneys are considered just as valid as scientifically proven concepts.
It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.
-- Richard P. Feynman

[Hat Tip and input: Jay Guevara]

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