Saturday, April 20, 2019

Left Roots

The Ideological Roots of Modern Socialists

  • The modern left subscribes to the Bernsteinian idea of evolutionary socialism.  Most likely, leftists have no idea about the origin of this particular current of socialism and simply adhere to its provisions.  Evolutionary socialists work within the framework of the democratic state and seek to chop off pieces of capitalism through legislation undermining a free market and entrepreneurial initiatives.  The main effort is concentrated on wealth redistribution by all means and the promotion of a broad variety of social programs and state regulations.  Bernstein emphasizes a tendency to increase the role of ethics in the political struggle in modern society.  The Left has capitalized on this idea and portrayed itself continuously as the moral authority of humanity.  Its modus operandi is to politicize and moralize about any issues facing society.
  • The Left understands and appreciates the power of the state.  Leftists seek to solve all problems through state interventions.  Democrats support the growth of the state's influence, regulations, public property, and state generosity.  The Left either consciously or casually subscribed to the provisions of the theory of the totalitarian state developed by Italian fascists.  Modern leftists are, as a rule, atheists, yet they religiously believe in the power of the omnipresent and omnipotent state. (Highlight, EWS)  Intolerance of the Left to the opinions of its opponents is evidence of the adherence to the totalitarian state of mind, as well.
  • The Left creatively adopted the theory of the political myth developed by the French revolutionary Georges Sorel.  He was a theoretician of revolutionary syndicalism and national syndicalism and a progenitor of Italian fascism.  Moreover, again, it is doubtful that the majority of the Left has ever heard about Sorel's work.  However, Sorel's idea of myths as mobilizing and politicizing factors got transmitted from generation to generation of revolutionaries and reformers.  The vast majority of issues submitted for public discussion by the Left are political myths.  Some myths used to be a real thing, such as racial segregation, but in the modern setting, continuously playing a racial card is undoubtedly a political myth.  Evidently, the essential type of myths developed by the Left is the victimhood of the different strata of the population.  The leftist elites encourage the captivity of the people in the aureole of victimhood and link them to the wealth redistribution engine of the government.  Thereby, the elites generate a cohort of obedient electors, the whole purpose of whom is to guarantee the elites' coming to power.

    "Ohio passed a bill outlawing abortion after detection of the fetal heartbeat. But not before an amendment was proposed by lawmaker Janine Boyd to exempt African American women from the new regulations. So, is Ms. Boyd some sort of retrograde racist/KKK type who managed to sneak onto the Ohio legislature and is now fighting to implement a covert white supremacist agenda? You might well think so, but as a matter of fact, Ms. Boyd is a progressive Democrat and an African American. So why would a black woman want fewer black babies just like the evil white supremacists presumably do? Why are their interests so closely aligned? I think it's because at its core, progressivism is a philosophy of death. Despite all of its high-minded rhetoric about human rights, equality, fairness, grrl power, and liberation from oppression (all of which, by the way, it pretty much stole from the Christian church), progressivism is really nothing more than a demonic suicidal death cult. That's all it ever is, and ever can be. And when there's nothing else left to murder, it will turn on itself. All progressives ever actually produce is death: dead cultures, dead countries, dead economies, dead higher education, dead races, dead children, dead babies, and a dead future. The ultimate purpose of progressivism is that we might have death, and that we might have it more abundantly." -OregonMuse, Ace of Spades

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