Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Political thoughts... 10

1) Anything from the "News" about Midwest flooding? NY depravity, DC corruption and LA hedonism is what we get.

2) "Feminism is mixed up with a muddled idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they help their husbands." GK Chesterton

3) I guess gay/Jewish Hollywood actor privilege trumps white privilege any day.  'Trumps' - that's funny.

4) Eric Holder asks, "When was America ever great?"  How 'but those 8 years of regular paychecks.  Maybe start there, you ungrateful bastard.

5) A biography of Andy the Bartender; http://mileswmathis.com/aoc.pdf

6) Q: What would the Jetson's name be if they were black?
    A: The Jetson's, you fucking racist.

7) How much self-loathing does it take to get stupid drunk, mutilate your body or commit suicide?

8) Why is it the most virulent America haters want so bad to bring immigrants into this country?

9) If I had a nickel for every gender that existed I'd have two nickels.

10) President Buttplug.  This is what its come to.

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