Sunday, February 21, 2021



This meme got me thinking: What the world needs now is a Cockwomble Society with the appropriate titles, traditions, awards, medals and ribbons. 

Therefore; I shall hold the exalted office of Highest Degree Superior Cockwomble One, Exalted cut the crap,  until a quorum can assemble and can drag me off to a lime lined shallow grave to bury me with my shoe in my mouth.

 As Tradition No.1. shall decree.

I propose for the Founders of the Cockwomble Brotherhood (and dickless Brothers) some suggestions that the Convention would take:

1) We meet thrice during the years that end in 3 and 7. Once ending in one.

2) While a Cockwomble is never violent, cursed language may lead to bleeding, but no one knows how.

3) The assembling of by-laws and a Constitution could take centuries, so be in for the long haul.

4) The Mission Statement to be: Hey, Listen to ME. You don't know what your are talking about!

5) A yearly SGITR (Smartest Guy In The Room) Award to the ONLY recognized SGITR.

6) Alcohol only enhances a Cockwomble's cockwombliness.

7) Our secret hand signal will be finger pointed your way with emphasis.

8) We make Rep. Fartwell (D, CA) or standard bearer to bring a Resolution to Congress making Cockwomble Day where every smart guy gets compliments like "Hey, thanks for thinking." I could say, "Sure, kid. Pull my finger."

9) Respect has to be held in the highest regard as a Cockwomble should know. Shredding an argument is nothing personal.

10) Don't act like a Cockwomble! Don't dress like a Cockwomble! BE a Cockwomble!

Any Cockwombles out there?


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