Thursday, November 1, 2018

Political thoughts... 04

1) The bullshit just doesn't quit.

2) We will never vote ourselves to heaven.

3)  It seems, women with close homosexual male friends are never comfortable in the presence of heterosexual males.

4) If someone was to scream "kill all jews" then proceed to fire a gun, strategically it would be better at an AIPAC convention and not at a synagogue with old folks.  One Lone Crazy Gunman Strikes Again!

5) Popularity has become Truth.

6) The Rabbi in Pittsburgh does not want Trump to appear unless he denounces 'white nationalism'.  Isn't Zionism 'Jewish nationalism'? Jews aren't white?

7) Man, those people at the border walked 2000 miles pretty damn fast.  Didn't seem to skip a meal, either.  New sneakers, too.

8) The false dichotomy of electoral process allows the American people to be robbed and abused by their own consent.  

9) Bill Ayers is the only certified bomber I know.

10) Has affirmative action worked yet?

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