Friday, February 11, 2022


In my lifespan, I can say without a doubt in the last 20 years, people have become Stupider, Uglier and Meaner.  Now today, most are all three.

How stupid do you have to be to volunteer to close your business, suffocate yourself or take an experimental serum squirted into your body - for no reason? There are a great many people who are deadly afraid of an invisible virus that has never been isolated?  Who don't know the definition of 'science'? That have given all their reasoning over to doctors who are stupid?  Watch the tell-lie-vision and base life changing behaviors on its recommendation?  How can they be so stupid?

But, here we are.

Is there anything more Ugly than a fat ass young woman with purple hair, tattoos and a nose ring? Maybe a man, again grossly overweight, riding a battery operated cart through the grocery store?  Unhealthy isn't a strong enough word.  Too many Ugly people in the store to be noticed.  No one is attractive, nor do they want to be.  Can't get enough Ugly.

Crap food, crap self respect, and just plain Ugly.

People have been ostracized from family, friends don't return calls, do you feel scared eyeballs sneaking a peak at you, catching them elbowing their masked up companion because you refuse to wear a useless face diaper?  This society is composed of Mean Girl Facebook cliques validating all fears and neuroses. The prison lock-downs work in a free society because people are safe to call names on whatever screen a person is staring at and it's safe and anonymous.  They have worked themselves up to be scared of everyone.  Being mean is the only way to personally act on that fear.  Mean People Suck, that's true, but it's everyone.  They are suspicious when you are not mean.  Passive aggressiveness rules the day.

Plenty of hollow, "Have a nice day"s.  They are glad for your money and that you are gone.

Does anyone play league sports anymore? Volleyball, bowling, pool, darts, racquetball?  Does anyone even dance for the joy of it?  Does anyone know how to have fun for fun's sake?  Make music? Have a pick up softball game?  Does anyone give a shit about each other? Are genuine people out there?




Family Baseball*


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