Even More Enlightened Thinking From Government:
The first woman in Muslim-majority Malaysia to face caning for drinking beer was reprieved Monday because of the holy month of Ramadan. Her family said she would rather get the thrashing with a rattan cane now and put the ordeal behind her.
Up/Down Same Thing
One can be a horizontal person or a vertical person.
Vertical people follow a standard of beliefs of hierarchy, authoritarianism, and proudly submit to any man or woman from a higher economic status, corporate or military ranking and feel most comfortable thinking "some day I'll get mine", while having footprints on their backs of those climbing the ladder of success.
Horizontal people tend to look at the person next to them in the workplace, or on the bus for that matter, as equals or someone to struggle together with through life. There is no reason to have thoughts of discrimination, bias or negative energy because that person is not a threat. In the horizontal mind competition is not an esteemed value.
Being a horizontal person in a corporatist/militarized society leads to great alienation of the soul. People have been mind controlled through media and education to believe it is perfectly normal and expected to screw your neighbor for personal advancement, i.e., Top Chef, Survivor (which starts out horizontal but quickly turns vertical) and any number of Trump type shows saying "You're Fired!" In order for a horizontal person to survive and not slip into deep depression it is absolutely essential to find a group of like minded, sensitive and deprogrammed people and talk, feel comfortable with them. One has to know he or she is not alone and their anxieties are real and not imagined as BigPharma and your Boss wants you to believe. Working on a project together, leaderless, will restore humanity within.
Maintaining a life of vertical nature will lead to stress and internal void. Let's look at the Veterans issue in this country or recidivism of prisoners or the people unemployed begging for a job. All of these people need an overseer telling them what to do every minute of the day. There is no creative brain power being used and, actually, they might like it that way as long as they are in the system. When the system throws them out every one else is enemy, a mark, or a scab. Ironically, these very people defend their worldview as completely correct - the slaves Harriet Tubman could not free.
There is a cataclysm of events coming like a freight train around the bend. Everyone seems to sense it - financial sector is collapsing, government is treasonous, people are emotionally broken up. What is the structure of this society to be after the pain and bloodletting stops? What is your personal view, assuming of course, you survive? What kind of world do you want to see?