Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Right Between The Eyes*

Applied Philosophy:

"There's something about a Buddhist monastery that also treats you spiritually," said Nicky Anderson, who came to the temple from County Tipperary in Ireland to tackle her addiction to prescription medicines.

Donkey Brains. See Rant Below:

Fox's viewership is up 11 percent over last year, according to Nielsen Media Research

What's The Point?

'and the rockets red glare...

...gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.'
I absolutely hate that song now...
I wish Amerika would just dry up and go away. Bad dream.
Bad awful dream.
Great article.


Right Between the Eyes

What we love to do in this American society is shoot the messenger. No deep thought allowed here. Simply go along with the program or be accused a fool.

There are 20,000 people walking around with alien abduction stories. Living, breathing witnesses to a phenomenon in their lives. There are a hundred million people holding on to a second hand story written 100 years after his presumed death that a man rose from the dead. Who has credence? Who is to be believed and who is to be ridiculed?

Their duly elected President gets his head blown apart in front of hundred of witnesses that under oath state the car stopped and several shooters took pot shots. Media and government state it was a lone nut doing the physically impossible. Conspiracy theorists make up 80% of the country and their mental health is questioned.

Hundred story buildings turn to dust when airline planes hit them. How do we know that? Because we saw it on TV. Thousands on tons of steel girders and columns don't stand a chance against jet fuel. Makes you wonder why I look out the terminal window and see the refueling tanker filling my flight. Seems to me a dangerous situation for the public. No, I'm just a worry wart.

Health care for all is a no-brainer. Who wouldn't want to quit their miserable job and do what they want to except for the lousy health plan they are paying through the nose for? We can't have public health care because it will unfairly compete with the private pay-or-die companies by giving more service less expensively? This passes for debate?

No one stands up to the bully. The donkey brain masses feel secure and comfortable with the outlandish stories provided them. "It's not for us to ask why, it only for us to do and die" they bray. The leaders are not to be questioned as they lead us to the slaughter house. Religion tells us to obey. Accept the crumbs as payment with graciousness and aplomb. Thank them profusely for the opportunity to serve. And especially keep an eye on that person that might have a different idea of how the world works and expresses it. He's going to upset the cozy relationship.

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