Childhood Education
I'd say it's good idea to post the Holy Bible Ten Commandments in the school rooms.
Texans - ya'll are geniuses!
Some children are very sharp. They don't like to be lied to. They can smell bullshit. It's an early learning curve on the harsher things in life for some youngins'. I can see about 3rd grade a few are going to ask about Good Ole #5 (or 4, depending) Thou Shall Not Kill. Their uncles go deer hunting every year. An old lady in town shot an intruder dead in her home recently. And now his oldest brother is in the US Army stationed in the Mideast. Television entertainment is focused on murder. I see killing and murder and war my whole life and now you are telling me God says it's wrong? Well, nobody listens to God.
Still, it's the only good one, #5. Impossible to live up to, indeed. There is plenty of little black souls in Carpenter Ant Heaven, RIP July 2024. Restaurants know their way around hamburgers around here. Is the desire to kill the actual sin? All in all, It's a beautiful expression dedicated to maintaining and fostering life. Go tell the Generals.
The other 9 are a hodge podge of bullshit. I got a call from an old friend and I asked what he has been up to? He said, "I'm fucking my neighbors' wife." After I stopped laughing he gave me some context. You see, neighbors for 23 years, her husband left for Young Pussy Land last year. They are selling the farm and divorcing, her 64 yr old self is moving in with my 75 year old friend. Sounds quaint and they are loving it, last I heard.
Is Thou Shalt Not Steal in there? We need God to tell us? How about The Stealer gets treated like Sheriff Bill treated English Bob from The Unforgiven? A good ass beating gives a life long lesson, if it doesn't, start cutting off fingers.
If someone is in financial debt, that person has nothing to covet. He/She's a front. The bank owns it. You ain't going to get it. Admire Honest Success and Hard Work is a better rewrite. Editing is especially difficult chiseling into stone.
If HE is the One and Only God, why the hell did he send JeeBiz, his One and Only Son? Now we must deal with two Jew gods with th Anti-Christ on the doorstep, a third Jew god. It's all so confusing... but not really when you think about it. The Shepard leads the sheep to the slaughterhouse even though he truly loves them by putting his boots backwards on the rear legs.
Why would I take his name in vain? I can't because I'm not allowed to say his name. I can't pronounce four consonants, I'll call Him Joe.
Fuck off, Joe. You are no help. A 3rd grader can see that.
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