Thursday, May 28, 2020

cOG dIS... 004

1) Wearing a mask inhibits oxygen flow and the body's ability to kill a virus.

2) 'Science' is being used to stifle dissent. Facts are inconvenient to some.

3) Muslims seem to be immune from the virus. 

4) AFL-CIO has no statement or stand on working people being labeled 'essential' or 'non-essential'.

5) How can you live in a free country with no common sense?

6) People love their government, not the people they live with.

7) Truth has no meaning in most people's lives.

8) Memorial Day is over. Can you explain to me what the 'ultimate sacrifice' was for?

9) Why would anyone volunteer to give up the thing that gives them joy?

10) There are some who still believe "every vote counts".

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