Friday, November 8, 2019

Social Solution...002*


I’m going with the fact we have 9 holes in our physical bodies. Possibly, my plan could be refined for insurance of the left ear, but not the right, that can be discussed later.

For now we – meaning us – have a pie hole, a rectum damned near killed him, urinary hairy yum yum spot, and two audio sensory holes and two amazing visual ability holes, nasal olfactories that dictate our life more than we know.  Nine holes.

The State should be responsible for basic dentistry. The source of all, I men ALL of our problems, our Big Fat Mouths. How responsible are they for the maintenance of the plumbing?  GIGO. Also, any injection to the exit hole and any health troubles that ensue are yours.  

Drug addicts who punch holes in themselves couldn’t apply. You know that blow job pleasure inducing tongue piercing? When it gets infected? That’s on you, baby. You own that hole. Received a gunshot through the abdomen on a drug deal gone awry? Pay the fuck up. Too many holes.

Always emphatic, understanding of unexpected happenstance to the innocent. Train wrecks, earthquakes, who knows what - did you really ask for that extra hole? Let's iron over every instance like Mom's denim patch kit.  Keep the 9 holes working through all adversity. 

There will be no tattoos for me. No punching holes in my space suit, my spirit branded like a NASCAR driver.

Nine holes.  All need attention.  The serious first.

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