Thursday, October 10, 2019


Dismaying Dumbed-down Discourse

...That poor Swedish puppet, Greta Thunberg, is being hailed as a modern day Joan of Arc for absolutely no reason at all other than she’s parroting what climate hoaxers have used to indoctrinate her. She is to be pitied not lauded, but then there are so, so many willing ignoramuses in the world, she’ll be around for a while.

Those crowds of climate protesters were not the only evidence of the dumbing down of our nation. I see the crowds cheering the 2020 Democrat candidates and wonder if they’re being paid to appear, or are they really, really ignorant about what this party had become? It is now the party of open borders, socialism, atheism, infanticide and is offering lots of free stuff that’s being paid by taxpayers. It is also the party that is completely committed to everything the “alphabet people” espouse. The LGBQT, aka the alphabet people (dubbed by the brave comedian Dave Chapelle), has the Left convinced that there are more than two genders and thus it is perfectly fine that men claiming to be women can now compete against women in sports events and can use women’s toilets -- where little girls can no longer feel safe. This is pure insanity but if the progressive left certifies it, the mentally deficient will accept it.

All common sense has been removed by communities dominated by progressive politicians and bureaucrats. Consider the antifa terrorist group (no it hasn’t been deemed that yet but why not?) Why haven’t legislators in all fifty states made banning face masks a requirement for all permits for any protests? Whenever I see videos of these masked cowards vandalizing public buildings and getting away with it, my blood pressure spikes at the lunacy of watching impotent police officers standing by just watching.

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