Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Political thoughts... 07

1) Barack Obama is an unemployed nobody, somebody's fetish.

2) Nancy Pelosi, along with great majority of Congress, is a war criminal.  Her wealth was made by profiting from war stocks.

3) What do we do with the willfully ignorant?

4) Libya probably had the best example of socialism, before the US blew it up.

5) 'Turn the other cheek' is not a workable political philosophy.

6) Whenever I get a lecture on listening, I notice how quickly the lecturer is the worst listener present.

7)  If you don't have an argument, call names.

8) How can one have a MLK presentation and not know who Jack O'Dell is?

9) How can one say there are those without opportunity in this country?

10) The worst people have the biggest ass-kissers around them.

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