Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Brain Study

Handling How You Are:

"If you ask most neuroscientists what area of the brain would be critical in anxious temperament and emotion, most would say the amygdala," said Jonathan Oler, an associate scientist at the Health Emotions Research Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and co-lead author of the study.

The amygdala is known to have a correlation with anxiety and stress responses. The hippocampus was previously thought to be mostly involved with memory.

"But the data are the data, and the hippocampus and the amygdala predicted anxiety in the monkey equally," Oler said. "What was different between them was the heritability component."


Who Do You Love, Bo Diddley?:

People high in trust were more accurate at detecting the liars -- the more people showed trust in others, the more able they were to distinguish a lie from the truth. The more faith in their fellow humans they had, the more they wanted to hire the honest interviewees and to avoid the lying ones. Contrary to the stereotype, people who were low in trust were more willing to hire liars and they were also less likely to be aware that they were liars.

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