Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Letter From A Brother

Wesley , I'm starting to think there is a disturbing analogy between IBEW members ( I think it's much broader than IBEW etc. but.... ) and abused/neglected children. In the analogy, the union is 'the family' or the 'parents' who either abused the child or stood by and did nothing to defend the child etc. The "kid" ( child or union member in this case ) later grows up but even though no longer a helpless child , the full grown adult ( union member ) remains perversely loyal to his parents ( union ) who actually abused him ( or her ).
Says things like," Well, mom and dad had a good side, too... let's not forget that... after the beatings I always got a hug. "
Anyway, that's a rough approximation, but you can see what I mean. All the elements are at hand. Sanctioned authority figure who can't be questioned, helpless object of abuse, overwhelming social approval of entire set-up, damaged subject of abuse who constantly struggles to rationalize/ repress the facts of his or her persecution, and of course " siblings" who will turn on you the minute you come up with a question that casts mum or pops in a bad light...
 Ahhhh , ain't it grand

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