Eat Crap, Be Crap...
American IQ has dropped 20 points in the past 20 years. (... and it's EI, emotional intelligence, is falling also, it seems -EWS)
It's summer with the result of seeing more human skin. The fact that Americans are incredibly obese makes the amount even more impressive. The epidermis is one's outer signal to health. When a person is met whose skin shines naturally, without creams or chemicals, it registers in our minds. This is a first impression and it does last.
What lurks deep inside us - the emotional world existing in our physical form - and drives our attitudes and convictions, emits energy and with each meeting of people, joins together with one another. A room full of people is not necessarily greater because they are intellectually brilliant, it may be better as the use of emotional skill is used to get to the agreed purpose. How the decision is made, how each person internalizes the process, and how the decision sits later is not an intellectual right or wrong necessarily, more than likely something doesn't "feel" right about it. To be in awareness of human emotional power should be a skill developed over a lifetime. To many grown adults act like children, and are accepted as such, in this society. The writer is not immune from such criticism, but brings it up to spur internal discussion.
The people in this country are sick intellectually, physically and, especially, emotionally. Two generations of instant gratification, controlled media and demoralizing education processes has left a population alienated and alone, unable to relate to it's own better human nature, never mind joining in a whole for discussion and decision making.
It seems whatever we seem to want, as in a public demonstration, we want it NOW... with implication that the entire group will collectively hold their breath until they all turn blue
The kowtowed working person will come home after a day of stress and watch on their BoobTube as entertainment other browbeaten people working on their stage, Idol, Survivor, Top Chef as a few examples.. They watch, secretly siding with Simon and all the mean people behind the desk giving judgement. They mimic a mean, cutting and cruel culture to each other on the job site the next day. Their spirits are broken and Stockholm Syndrome is too well ingrained in the working class, I'm afraid.
Who controls the schools is a powerful question never asked. In this town, the only school district in the state where the mayor appoints his Board, they are following a plan written by the business elite and now are arguing over profit to be made in a non-profit sector. Not surprising, really. Blatantly, they arguing that money is more important than intellectual, emotional and physical development and the plan is sailing through. Keep printing the money. It's appears it is what people want.
... and the crap we eat and drink and smear on our bodies and fill our lungs with and fill our cavities with and places we poke holes in and the ink we fill our epidermis with... sick and dehumanizing all.