Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday Morning Going Down*

Obama is a war criminal. Congress is full of war criminals.

Peruvians just threw their ex-President in jail for 25 years. The French are kidnapping their Bosses and humiliating them in public. The people in Tblisi, Georgia are sieging the parliament and demanding their leadership resign. 

What do Americans do? Buy more guns. Live in quiet shame that they don't have a job. Expect Obama to fix things. Generally, not much, but grumble.

The war budget will be voted on soon. It's even higher than Bush ever asked for, with a supplemental of 72 Billion more. Is there any opposition? Just grumbles. How can propping up a bankrupt banking system help the common man? Is there a connection in people's minds about the war and the bankrupt banking system? grumble, grumble (don't make me think).

... and Labor. Pitiful, big, dumb Labor. Not an original idea, or a good old idea for that matter. Just a lump of fatty tissue on the body politic. Waiting for capitalism to come around and ask for their help. Not a peep of protest. Not a hint of direction. They would rather fight internally, as if, invaded by virus. Ineptness this bad has to be planned. It's time for leadership and they are invisible, void of any ability to say or do anything to challenge the status quo. Useless to the unemployed. Useless to their pensioners. Useless to their legacy. Done.

The Depression is coming like a freight train without signals. Get ready. Holding onto your false security will not help. Do everything possible to maintain your mental and spiritual health. Your money will be gone and you better know who your friends are.

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