Friday, May 11, 2018

Wesley says... 01

1) When you see a grown man with a stocking hat on, no shirt, riding a banana seat Schwinn Sting Ray bicycle, what does it make you think? 

2) Anything sadder than seeing a mother engrossed in her phone, blowing off her child? 

3) Starbucks are the new homeless centers. Glad to see corporate America stepping up to the plate. 

4) Self-righteous people lie. A lot. After all, they know what is best for you. 

5) Donald Trump was Roy Cohn's protege and never visited a gay bathhouse in NYC? When are they going to admit Melania is a bio-synthetic android robot? 

6) When I am on my deathbed, keep doctors, priests and bagpipers away from me. 

7) Social movements don't move. Progressives are closed minded. And leftists should be left alone. 

8) After all your dangly bits have wasted away, your bones determine your sex. 

9) Induced chemical psychosis is not spirituality. 

10) Self loathing is what is killing people. You really are OK.

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