Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Full Circle*

Medical Whores Accept Societal

It's almost too easy to focus on the miserable. Doing exactly that is what brought my mental state to sub-basement level. The right temporal lobe is the agent for that. When a portion of your brain takes over, especially that one, trouble is due. Using one's entire consciousness takes recognition, training and desire to see the world in its entirety. I'm very concerned that a large segment of the population cannot or does not handle their interpersonal relationship with dignity and respect. Of course, it's because they don't get dignity and respect in their work lives and often, and they are connected, in their home lives. It's hard to give when you don't receive. Shock jock radio. Not funny comics, but mean. JackAss as a way of life. So much that passes as entertainment is the degradation of our fellow man. The spirit of competition fosters so much of this thinking, everyone looking for that edge. Wiping our shoes on our fellow workers backs as we climb the ladder of capitalism. For many of us, it doesn't come easy and we don't want to do it. We want work to be satisfying and fun. It's just too much to ask, I know. So, I want to be optimistic. I'm smelling roses. I see hope and want to share the book readings and practices that show this frame of mind. The population loves its misery. No new ideas allowed. I shrink my circle and share with those receptive until I'm back to my left frontal lobe, sitting alone.

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