Thursday, February 19, 2009

Emotional Awareness


BOOK REVIEW: Emotional Awareness - A Conversation between The Dalai Lama and Paul Ekman, Ph.D Overcoming the obstacles to psychological balance and compassion Times Books, 2008 

I got to give it to Mr. Lama, he draws me in with each and every book I read. Here, along with Dr. Ekman, together they flesh out emotion response and against the backdrop of their fields of study, agree more study is needed in the mind and laboratory. Dr. Ekman is the foremost authority of facial reaction in emotional response. His detailed studies across cultures have proven recognition on the face is the same the world over. In 2000, he was the skeptical professor invited to the Life and Mind conference, a yearly event bringing together Western scientists and Buddhist monks. He left that seminar profoundly changed after he and his daughter met the Dalai Lama, a story at the end of the book I felt well worth reading. 

Compassion is the theme. Where does it come from, how to measure it, the need to have it for all sentient beings in order to have happiness. One idea the Dalai Lama touched on and wrote a complete book about (and I plan on getting next) is the affliction of the mind the "us vs them" view that permeates our thoughts. Because of one small difference, against a vast likeness, people are mean, fight and, sometimes, kill. I can only look back and think how much time and energy I wasted on this concept. To be open in heart and mind leads to wisdom, to be closed and narrow minded and cold is misery. At some point in ones' life, a day has to come when that person decides anger isn't worth it. Any of its' components are afflictive on the mind. Any of the results should be avoided. To keep and find peace means a difficult way of life such as the world seems to be filled with mean language, violent images and personal conflict. People in this stressed out economic condition are lashing out, are possibly rightfully angry. 

Being present and using your personal inner peace to calm these conditions takes a concentrated skill. It's too easy to react and join the rage. My life is a blueprint of this. 

I applaud Dr Ekman for his edited discussion with the Dalai Lama. He treats the subject of humanity and the study of emotion with respect. As a Western scientist, he continually strives for more empirical evidence through testing and has developed a curriculum used around the world for personal development. I wish him good health to continue, as he seems a sincere man. The Dalai Lama continues to intrigue me with each encounter I find him. He does seem to radiate through these pages, his words strike me deep in a positive life force way. He compels me to continue to study, and that is the sign of a Great Teacher.



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