Thursday, September 10, 2020

Wesley says...026

1) “The Needs of the Many outweighs the Needs of the Few! “ Spock from Star Trek

2) Add tax for hypodermic needles so the junkies can pay their fair share. If you can tax a bullet, you can tax a needle.

3) I can hear a woman saying, "I'll have to wear a mask? Great, I won't have to do my make-up."

4) I hope the next President is the mother from Malcolm In The Middle.

5)  I have ever heard someone say of someone else, "He didn't have enough Game Boy as a child."

6)  Why did Kamala let those Catholic priests off the hook? The previous DA had them nailed (to the cross, so to speak).

7) I'd like to revisit Ken Burns' Civil War series. There seemed to an awful lot of sacrifice for a certain peoples' behalf.

8)  How many people in this country are getting paid for not working? 

(Little Dick Trumka describes organized labor membership in total population)

9) Labor Day passes without a mention.

10) The people consented. The End.

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