Tuesday, March 3, 2020

238,855 Miles

American Moon 
by Miles Mathis 
First published March 2, 2020 

In 2017, Italian director Massimo Mazzucco released the film American Moon, proving once again the Apollo missions were faked. This film is basically a large expansion of the previous 2001 FoxNews film Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? Both use Bill Kaysing's book We Never Went to the Moon as a starting point, but American Moon takes it even further than Kaysing did, adding much new research to the argument. 

Although I agree that we never went to the Moon, I have always found it curious that a Rocketdyne employee would blow the cover of the project, and that FoxNews would later give his argument legs. After watching American Moon twice, I think I have finally solved that problem. What I think we have here is a rather advanced example of controlling the opposition. All these people know that the American public already knows the Moon landings were faked. So they can only hope to control the response...

... All Modern arguments about everything, pro and con, proceed on this basic dishonesty. And in this case I don't mean dishonesty regarding specific facts, I mean a fundamental dishonesty people have regarding themselves. They are fooled by the lines of the debate above only because they can't admit to themselves that people are liars, and that a meaningful percentage of people are pathological liars. Meaning, those running this world are not only liars, they are addicted to lying and lie even when the truth sounds better. Their entire lives are wound up in fantastic lies, and depend on huge webs of these lies. But for some reason your average reader can't admit that, and prefers the fiction that people are basically honest. So he falls for the idea that it would be impossible to hire 400,000 liars. He even falls for the idea that it would be impossible to hire a few hundred people to stage a mass murder event. While the sad truth is, a person with enough money could hire most of the 300 million Americans to lie about any given fact. And, in fact, it has been done. Is being done. Most Americans are caught up in the American lie because they have been paid to do so. They have been given a job and a car and a house and other perks to keep them quiet: to keep them from stating simply and directly the truths they know. This is how the revolution is squelched. Most people accept the tribute with the understanding they will keep quiet and not make trouble. 


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