Friday, May 21, 2010

Big Problems Simple Solutions

Man, I Loved That Movie:

A breakthrough may lie in the hands of a Hollywood actor. Where the collective prowess of the oil industry has failed, Kevin Costner believes he may succeed after paying scientists millions of dollars to come up with an ocean-cleaning device — inspired by his 1995 film Waterworld — that could mitigate the environmental catastrophe.


What's Next?:

Besides the chronically homeless, comprising about 18% of the total, homelessness results from factors including poverty, job loss, home foreclosure, loss of public assistance, divorce, domestic violence, drug or alcohol abuse, serious illness, mental illness, unaffordable housing, the lack of emergency help, and a federal government that doesn't give a damn.

Tune In:

The US position is that the biggest nuclear threat in the world today comes from those who do not have nuclear weapons, or whose nuclear armory is diminutive to the point of invisibility, and that global security is properly vested in the hands of those who have substantial nuclear arsenals, starting with the only country that has actually dropped nuclear bombs—and indeed lost them (eleven in the case of the United States since 1945).

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