Sunday, May 3, 2009

Shiv Shiva*

Green demise:

Just Hangin' On, Sloopy:

Did you ever notice everything in our economy has a based destructive quality? Ever dwell on the vast destructiveness surrounding every product consumed? The smashing, the pulping, the splitting, the melting, the burning of elements, plants, and sentient beings all feed the top of the food chain.

I bring this up because the older I get, the more I recognize and appreciate those stoics, or religious types, monks and people not wanting to be a part of this wasteful, chaotic economic system. I'm talking about the ones that drop out, not the ones putting a new wasteful, chaotic system in place or puppet-like environmentalists being do-gooders for their own self guilt.

If we would change the destructive nature of the language we use towards each other, it would go a long way to making a better world. I'm not a prude, I've used a share of blue language, but I see it now as an expression of frustration on the subject at hand. Many times people are so frustrating, we use the easiest means to destroy their confidence and arguments, we belittle them with profanity. It works. It also works to become a more thoughtful person by monitoring your speech, using constructive words of understanding, leaving the frustration alone. It's a harder way to go and takes practice, but a better way.

This economic system of destruction invades all our thoughts. I sense people as super-critical and judgmental. They seem to think freedom consists of the right to open their mouths and say whatever is on their mind, without remorse or recanting when called out. Their awesome insecurities show by the insults at those immediately around them. Popular culture and the BoobTube are filled with reinforcing shows of panels of judges and elimination. The watchers of these shows seem to side with the judges, not those sent away. An ass kisser society, I can't see it any other way. Side with the destroyer, you can't go wrong, is the philosophy of this world.

Don't buy anything. Don't use a word in speech not needed. Don't think ill of your perceived enemy. Be conscious of those around you granted the right to a full life, including bugs. We are all incredibly interconnected together. A loss of one is a huge loss to us all.

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