Friday, August 21, 2009

It's Not Your Fault

EWS Says "A Must Read":

With the innovation of increasingly marketable psychotropic drugs over the past four decades, public health officials have been free to legitimize healthcare budget cuts, hospital closures, and the widespread dismantlement of social services, by devolving responsibility for mental health to the individual and by transforming happiness into a problem of consumer choice. Miserable people – the exhausted assembly-line worker, the desperate college student, the alcoholic veteran – no longer pose a threat to the status quo so long as they agree to self-medicate and to keep themselves, thereby, in a state of artificial equanimity... Let’s be candid. The drug barons’ ongoing campaign to pathologize entirely natural emotional responses to hunger, humiliation, financial insecurity, racism, sexism, overwork and isolation is a mercenary tactic, designed to create markets, maximize profits and minimize dissidence.

1 comment:

  1. Hi EWS,

    What a great blog. It's always refreshing to discover others who've come to recognize wage slavery for what it is, along with its toxic effects on the human spirit. How awful that you had to go through what you describe in your "Canary in a Coal Mine" post; and how wonderful that you've successfully found non-chemical methods for dealing with the stress and pain that suffuses our society.

    Truly many thanks for your kind words,

