Saturday, February 14, 2009

Fifth Amendment to a Better Life*

Just can't stop:

BOOK REVIEW: you have the right to remain silent BRINGING MEDITATION TO LIFE
- by Rick Lewis HOHM Press, 2002

Mr Lewis sure draws you in with an ease of delivery to the message, only to enforce the seriousness of the need for disciplined practice. I kinda dug it.

Like so much of talk regarding meditation, analogies are often used in discourse to bring to understanding. He doesn't beat it up too bad, but one I've been dwelling on and using in conversation is the comparison of the mind to a Hall of Mirrors. Once lost, only images of yourself reinforce the absolute sureness of your path. Well, as anyone who has been in this situation, lost is lost. Mr Lewis states that a way to get out of the maze is upon entering put your hand upon the wall, never lose connection, and follow it to the opposite exit door. While it may appear you are in a dead end, moving forward will get you to your goal regardless of the distractions. This seemed to ring true with me.

He slipped into a dogmatic need to sit up straight, be sort of uncomfortable to focus attention, the importance of finding a teacher which I bring up because my own practice has been getting a bit lazy. As any fat horse in the pasture, I don't take to the whip so readily. I'd rather like to think the teacher will find me. Since reading this I do sit with more conviction of purpose and for that effort Mr Lewis should be applauded. I do recommend this book for its modernist approach, easy read and insightful, compassionate, well thought out passages.

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