Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pissing In The Tent


The hundred of thousands of working people Corporate America is dumping on the US Government to deal with could be the largest collection of grovelling, disaffected ass kissers assembled in history. Or, a people's movement of freedom, say, freedom from mind numbing, bone crushing, spirit depleting toil the common man is led to believe he or she needs to survive starts to thrive.

LBJ might have said, "I'd rather have him pissing out of my tent than pissing into it." about some such perceived enemy of his. Employers are not going to have a future when they open the doors and welcome back hardworking, compliant, supplicant wage slaves. A consciousnes has opened for all the 10, 20, 30 year dedicated toilers now on the street. As far as government, they are going to get demands of money without work. Money for breathing polluted American air. Money for walking on United States soil. Money just because they demand it. Bankers get it, with a subtle threat. People will learn to threaten, too.

There is a certain shock when the concept of rejection sets in and the routine followed for too long is terminated. When one wakes up and lays in bed, just thinking, not being pushed out the door by the alarm clock. It is a powerful moment when one realizes breakfast is best enjoyed slowly and a newpaper article is read in its entirity. When a long meaningful conversation with your neighbor, first in 10 years, happens. And one finds "having too much time on your hands" is an impossibility.

We sell our time too cheap. It's ours now and the value has just gone up.

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