The other night I went to a lecture by Albie Sachs, former Constitutional Court Justice of South Africa. Humor and Law the general topic.
In 1988, Justice Sachs lost sight in one eye and his right arm mangled in a car bomb attack. He later survived as one of the authors of the Constitution of South Africa and spent 15 years on the Court. The talk was lighthearted and announced it would be cut short because he and others wanted to see Obama's State of the Union speech.
He began by relating waking up in dark place, voices explaining the extent of his injuries, his reaction of self-depreciating jokes and elation of surviving. He explained this feeling in a South African way upon being released from care to his two Comrades in the ANC, one enjoyed the description and bravery, the other maintained a long face. His son was burned in an earlier bomb attack.
One questioner asked the Justice if anything could legally be considered too far beyond tastes. He told a joke of a Muslim man, by the beauty looking our his small window on a plane in flight, moved to prayer in Arabic and being joined by all the other passengers mumbling prayers, as well.
I sat in this hall with a man that helped bomb the Pentagon, according to his memoirs. His comrades blew themselves up in a Brownstone in New York. Who can remember the gentleman's name studying late in the UW Madison Math Library his fateful night? I bet Bill and Bern know.
… and we are devoting our precious time to O-Bomb-a who hasn't stop bombing Iraqis, Palestinian, Afgani, Pakistani, Yemenese, and anywhere and anyone else the Commander in Chief wants to bomb, even US soil and citizens.
The sacrifice of the innocents continues. I feel like getting bombed.
Aren't we all victims of bombings?
Anyone want to stop it? Soon?
March 18, 2010 - 7th Anniversary of Iraq Invasion - Federal Plaza - 5:30pm - March to Bughouse Sq down Michigan - 6:30pm
Chicago, IL