Wednesday, February 6, 2019

SOTU BS 2019*

State of the Union Bullshit

I watched the Bad Orange Man's State of the Union address last night.  It was staged folly.  Cringing crisis actors, mythical Zionist  persecution, and even a body identified as Buzz Aldrin.  You know, the guy who wore the Masonic apron on the "moon". So much has been said about Trump's lies, yet nobody seems to point out staged shootings, dubious war stories or celebrating landing on the "moon".  The big lies have a life of their own.

It was Red Tie Trump tonight.  He was led into the chambers by some strange dopplegangers leading the way.  The Kiss Ass culture is always on display at these events and most of those present had a spring attached to their ass.  Maybe an electrical charge runs through it to prompt them.  There was a contingent of dour women dressed in white who glared at him, as if he was intimidated.  They did give him a standing ovation when he mentioned there are more women in the workplace than ever before.  Hooray! We are happy wage slaves!  It was embarrassing to see their giddiness.  The last time Democrats were all in white was at a KKK meeting. Never trust people who dress alike.

Super-duper cheer for the military (U-S-A U-S-A),  Nauseiating.  The Bio-Robot President states he wants to end the endless war and return troops home.  They sit on their hands.  He announces they recently killed the accused ringleader of the USS Cole bombing 19 years ago and he gets a standing ovation.  This is the SOTU.  He used the term 'blood, thirsty monsters' for some people in the Mid East, that description fits so many.

I do give him credit for not backing down to anyone.  I did enjoy him taking it Pelosi, stating the political separation between the people and leadership is demonstrated by those not wanting the Wall on the southern border live behind walls with armed security on call.  He also pointed out Schumers' NY legislators gave a standing ovation to passing a infanticide bill, and mentioning the Virginia governor being in favor of abortion after birth.  I'm glad this issue is seen through.  Northan's problem isn't about a Halloween costume 35 years ago.  This is one sick society.  Trump wants this stopped and so do I.  Also, stating America will never be socialist rang my bell.

He used the term 'illegal alien' throughout, but the FOX graphic used 'undocumented immigrant'.  His case for walls saving lives was made by the history of El Paso, TX and San Diego, CA. Those cities have a track record of life quality improvement after building a barrier.  He said a lot of statistics of drug importation, human trafficking, sex trade, etc., 260K arrests by border police/ICE in two years.  I'm not going to fact check them, I would request that if you know anyone that lives in a border town, talk to them and listen to the conditions.  Sometimes people 1000 miles away don't sense the urgency.

The connection to mass migration and NAFTA must be made.  NAFTA is the working class connection with Trump.  Too many blue collars of the Midwest and Northeast did get swept up in 'the giant sucking sound' foretold by Ross Perot and they have memories.  Perhaps the happy, dancing working girls of Congress never lost their job to a trade deal, I don't know, but many breadwinners did.  Now someone comes along and, at least in rhetoric, tries to fix the screwing - that is the appeal.  Ironically, Dem Bill Daley, the Clinton's hammer on NAFTA in 1996 is running for Mayor of Chicago, counting on newly arrived Mexicans to elect him into office.

I changed channels after the speech in time to hear Donna Brazile (in a stunning blond wig)  say that the Democratic rebuttal by a failed candidate of recent Georgia governorship race, Stacey Adams, was the new face of the Democratic Party.  I gave her a listen, until I couldn't any more.  Green chroma screen bothers my senses.  I won't ever be a Democrat again.  Not because she's black and a woman but because she is shallow and an idiot.  What I saw, she took the time to talk about herself. The victimization card is what they are delivering, I don't want it.

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