Thursday, September 3, 2009

Message From WIthin*

Couldn't Hurt:

I have a friend who is a doctor who is researching the possibility of treating numerous chronic illnesses, cancer included, with large doses of magnesium sulphate. His idea is that the cause of many illnesses is hyperactivity of the body’s stress reaction and that magnesium can slow this reaction when it has gotten out of control.

Message from Within

Your anger empowers other people. Handling a situation with any of the other myriad ways available empowers you.

Anger is not an inherent human trait. All the people that surround you - family, friends, co-workers - are angry because they let the frustrations outside themselves in to their thoughts and are unable to diffuse it out with ease - a confrontation begets a confrontation, name calling leads to name calling and hard feelings leads to pain. It is truly a well trained individual that can turn an unpleasant situation into one of love and connectedness. Fighting back is the easy way out.

I am not advocating being rolled over on or taken advantage of. I certainly want to correct the bullies and their god-awful behavior. I'm concentrating now on how to focus the frame and accept completely what comes into the viewfinder without judgement. If it is an unpleasant picture, look with empathy which leads to active compassion, then resolution and the easing of pain. It's hard not to soak the entire scene into your consciousness with all the disturbing imaging it entails, but to see more than the eye offers, an understanding above and beyond immediate reaction. See its nature, and allow your own to shine forth, not follow it into the dark abyss.

So much stress out here in the world today. People pass it back and forth, try to lay it on you maybe thinking it will relieve their suffering. You don't have to accept it. It's not yours unless you want it. You can take care of your loved ones best when you take care of yourself first. Clear the distractions out of your mind, clean the body of toxicants and study ways of improving relationship will lead to a better, more fulfilling and satisfying life.

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