Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Work Pigs

Science and the better worker bee:

"Can't we all just get a-long?",0,4203830.story

Work Pig: Anyone engaged in the act of employable service for more than 32 hours a week.

In my new-found enlightened Buddhist nature, it is not kosher to name call and use unstructured speech, hurtful language. So, I'm going off the karma record.

With the current economy announced at 7% unemployment rate, I assume that means 93% are gainfully employed (disregarding the perceived walking dead like this escaped wage slave and others that don't want to debase themselves in the job market). Over 90% working and 7% looking, hmmmm. Doesn't that seem like the mouse chasing the elephant?

On top of it, those that are working are spinning their wheels furiously, being productive as hell, motivated by fear and the management class so they won't have to join the wretched unidentified unemployed, "workers". On payday, they puff up their chests and act proud and glorious only to begin another two week cycle of dread and worry. The Boss is always watching.

I recently heard a social worker whose company served overworked, overstressed executives with psychoanalysis in order to allow these workers (yes, they are just workers) to perform their duties. They have to be taught to have a home life with a wife and kids otherwise they would ignore them for the sake of the company. When I asked her later why a company would create such personal situation for its workforce only to hire her to attempt to solve the problem, she didn't get my question. She didn't want to drop her bread buttered side down.

The only catbird seat I can see in this system is being an employer or being self-employed. I can't grovel anymore, 30 years is enough. I can't enter another work site again full of promise only to meet an existing workforce of miserable personalities. I can't devote 10 hours of my day, selling myself like a whore, so some person in management gets the credit. No more will I be reminded how overpaid and replaceable I am. I'll survive with my knowledge and skills and I'll set the terms.

Those clamouring, cajoling, begging, crying for a wage slave position would be better off organized and demanding the work of those Work Pigs hogging the labor hours. You know who they are - the workaholic brother-in-law, the tradesman working Saturday for time and a half while his local is 20% out of work, the people who "love their job" but only out of fear - and take back from the management class what is rightfully theirs, after all, nobody misses management when they go on vacation. When you were laid off, you were missed because your former coworkers had to pick up the slack. It's time for them to demand more help and to learn to enjoy their loved ones and precious personal time more.

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